I had a great talk with Christopher Kusek and Bo Bolander at VMworld about life, the universe, and everything (including Life, the Universe, and Everything).
At one point, Christopher asked me what I did for Infinio. When I explained I did our product marketing, he said, “Oh, so you write Infinio fan fiction.” We all had a good chuckle. “I’m changing my LinkedIn profile right away,” I said.
But do I write fan fiction? I think that I’d be a pretty crummy marketer if that were true. I’m not writing fiction about Infinio – like “oh here’s this environment Infinio could work in, but only in my imagination” or “use Infinio and world hunger will be solved”
The content I write for Infinio falls into one of a few categories. In marketing we usually think of customers as in one of three buckets:
- Awareness – someone has a problem and they are beginning to research approaches to solving it
- Consideration – someone is zeroing in on an approach and looking at the specific vendors or solutions that solve the problem that way
- Decision – someone is close to deciding which solution they are going to use to solve their problem
An Awareness asset might be something like a 2-page “What is content-based caching” primer, a Consideration asset might be something like “5 things to look at when buying new storage” and a Decision asset might be a recorded product demo.
None of that is fiction. Although I’ll admit – I am a fan of Infinio. 🙂